Explore captivating, emotive images that transcend the ordinary. From serene landscapes to candid portraits and abstract compositions, immerse yourself in a world of visual poetry.



Finding beauty in everything makes life beautiful. Whether it’s incredible landscapes, the twinkle in a child’s eye, wrinkles in a weathered face, color contrasts in city streets, or the perfect symmetry of modern architecture. Beauty surrounds us and I find pleasure in taking pause to capture it in a photograph.


Purchased my first DSLR camera in 2011 in preparation for the birth of my first child. From that moment on, I couldn’t put it down. Work has allowed me to travel across four continents. I have been president of a photography club and together we built a professional grade photo studio in Lausanne where we were trained by world class photographers. Photography is an endless journey or learning and enjoyment.


I use a Nikon D850 DSLR. My main lenses are Nikon 24-70mm (2.8), Nikon 70-200 (2.8), Nikon 50mm (1.4) D

I keep equipment to the minimum and pack light. This makes mobility easier and my focus on capturing moments and light. A great photograph is about capturing an emotion, something that can’t be done with equipment alone.


My inspiration has come from dozens of photographers I admire. Some well known, others amateurs with incredible talent:

  • Portraits: Annie Leibowitz, Mick Rock, Helmut Newton
  • Landscapes: Rafael Rojas, Trey Ratcliff
  • Street: Helen Sotiriadis


Raised in Canada, lived in 6 Countries and currently residing in Athens, Greece. Proud husband and father. A corporate finance professional by trade, and amateur photographer and musician by hobby. I find photography to be a wonderful mental and physical escape.